4 days Serengeti and Ngorongoro crater tours


4 days

Tour Type


You will visit the most well-known park in the Northern Circuit during this four-day safari. You will have enough time to visit Ngorongoro Crater before moving on to Serengeti National Park. People who go on this safari have a great possibility of seeing big cats and, if they’re lucky, all five members of the Big Five.

Tour Plan

You'll have a morning drive to Serengeti National Park, for an afternoon game drive with packed lunch. Over the next two days, we will plunge ourselves deep in the heart of this famous migration corridor. With its wide-open spaces, bright blue skies and creature-filled landscape, we will discover why the fabled Serengeti typifies the dream of “Old Africa”. Large prides of lions laze in the tall grasses; families of elephants feed on acacia bark and trumpet to each other across the plains; while giraffes, gazelles, monkeys, eland and the whole range of African wildlife present themselves in awe-inspiring numbers. Your overnight stay will be at Seronera Campsite.

Lunch; Dinner

Today will be the "Serengeti game viewing day". After breakfast this morning, enjoy an amazing game drive. The great diversity of Serengeti wildlife is evident here—look for buffalo, hippopotamus, elephant, giraffe, antelope, Thompson’s and Grant’s gazelle, and lions. If you are there during the spectacular wildebeest migration, you will be more than astonished. In the late afternoon, we will venture out in another game drive.

There are animals everywhere! Monkeys, birds and look closely, you will be thrilled to see the huge jungle cats—lion, leopard and cheetah—watching the world go by. And going by it does. See rhino, gazelle, antelope and massive elephants by the hundreds. There are animals in the trees, flying, camouflaged in the bush, in rivers and in streams. This is the adventure of a lifetime! Your overnight stay will be at Seronera Campsite.

Breakfast; Lunch; Dinner

Early morning you will set out on another game drive in the Serengeti before continuing towards the Ngorongoro Crater. Soon the 600 meters deep unbroken caldera will open up before you and you will have a moment to take in the fantastic, awe-inspiring views of the collapsed volcano. Your campsite lies directly on the crater’s edge, offering a once in a lifetime view as the sun slowly sets over the crater. Nestled in your tent, thinking about the adventure the next morning brings, you will drift off to sleep. Breakfast; Lunch; Dinner

Early in the morning you will head down the forested slopes into the crater on a steep and narrow path. The crater floor is covered in open grassland with the occasional acacia tree and two small wooded areas. Teaming with wildlife, you will be able to see many animals in a short period of time and might even be able to tick the Big Five – lion, elephant, buffalo, rhino and leopard – off your list. Other animals present in the crater area include wildebeest, zebras, gazelles, warthogs, hippos and more than 500 species of birds. You will spend the entire morning exploring the park and after a picnic lunch in the crater, you will return to Arusha where you will arrive by early evening. Breakfast; Lunch

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